Theory of a Deadman "Say Nothing" Tour at The Complex
October 4, 2021
October just passed bringing with it the end of Sumer and the end of the Theory of a Deadman Say Anything Tour. Before it was over though the Canadian rockers made a stop in Utah on their second to last date to play a set at The Complex. The Concert took place at The Grand at The Complex but there were so many people there that it overflowed out into the concession room with people watching from the floor there. With so many people wanting to see Theory play this show may have been better being held at The Depot or the Grand in The Complex but either way the fans were there to rock.
All Good Things got the show started off. This was my second time seeing the LA based rock outfit having just learned of them Earlier this year at Edgefest. With the stage area being a little smaller the act was a little more subdued than the last time I saw them, but they still put on a killer show. The LA based rock group is led by vocalist, Dan Murphy, who just has a true rock star sound to his voice. Bassist, Miles Franco, steals the performance though with his energy. This guy never stops moving around while doing some major riffs on his guitar. If you haven’t ever seen this band look them up and see if they are playing anywhere around, I recommend checking them out and seeing a show.
In between breakdown and Theory’s set the room got even more packed as more people arrived and tried to fit into the already crowded room. Once the lights went down and the band walked out on the stage the crowd let out a big cheer as Theory took the stage and started the night off with “Lowlife.” Playing one of their number one hits right out of the gate had the crowd grooving from the get-go and that energy would only build more throughout the night and had vocalist Tyler Connolly feeding off of the energy of the crowd. Halfway into the show the band brought out a piano and Connolly sat there alone and played “Wicked Games” with the crowd singing along to it word for word. After they finished this he played some notes from a few different songs including “Don’t Stop Believing” from Journey and the crowd was loving it before he stopped and opened the piano. Once he did, he started tossing out items to the crowd that were in the piano including some beer koozies and a few other items before he started tossing out beers to the crowd. The brought some big cheers from the crowd as Connolly thanks everyone for being there and supporting the band for over 20 years. The last half of the concert was a list of hits and fan favorites as they played “History of Violence,” “Hate My Life” and “Not Meant to Be” before they left the stage then came back for the encore with their smash number one hits “Rx” and “Bad Girlfriend.”
This concert had one of the strongest endings of any concert that I have been to. I don’t think anyone in the venue stopped singing along with Connolly once for the last five songs of the show. I know I didn’t. I left the venue with a hoarse voice from all of the singing and cheering along and I would have gladly sung along more if the show hadn’t ended. If you get the chance to see a Theory concert next year don’t miss out on one of the most entertaining concerts, you’ll ever attend.